Quantum Benchmark integrates True-Q™ software with Google’s new Cirq quantum framework

Collaboration highlights company’s global reputation in quantum computing field

July 18, 2018 (Kitchener-Waterloo, Canada) – Quantum Benchmark (“the Company”), a software company focused on delivering quantum computing solutions, is pleased to announce the integration of its True-Q™ software system with Cirq, an open-source quantum computing framework launched today by Google.

Errors are endemic in quantum computing. If error rates can be kept sufficiently low, quantum computers can offer transformational capabilities to tackle the world’s most challenging computational problems. Quantum Benchmark’s True-Q™ is a new suite of software products, built for makers and users of quantum computers, providing industry-leading tools for error characterization, error suppression, error correction and performance validation.

Cirq, developed by Google, is an open-source framework for building and experimenting with quantum algorithms on quantum hardware or hardware simulators. Working as a Google collaborator, Quantum Benchmark integrated the True-Q™ software system with Cirq to provide Cirq users turn-key access to the Company’s software solutions.

“We are excited to be working with Google to build the software ecosystem for quantum computing and expand the leading edge of hardware capabilities,” says Joseph Emerson, CEO of Quantum Benchmark. “This opportunity highlights the value and reputation of our technology, our commitment to the Cirq ecosystem, and our ability to serve hardware vendors and large-scale industry users on this platform.”

Dave Bacon, Quantum Software Lead for Google, states:

“When we built our framework for quantum programming, a key philosophy was that surfacing the gritty details of the noise and performance of quantum hardware was going to be essential for algorithm development on near-term quantum computers.  We are delighted Quantum Benchmark has integrated True-Q™ with Cirq, as it provides a world-class suite of tools for characterizing quantum hardware.  By making the unknowns of processors known, algorithm developers will be able to tailor algorithms to specific devices, which can sometimes be the difference between the algorithm offering quantum advantage or not.”

Global users of Cirq, including researchers and early-adopters in industry, will now be able to leverage the power of True-Q™ solutions.

“Through Quantum Benchmark’s integration of the True-Q™ suite, Cirq is extended with several tools, including our Quantum Capacity tool enabling users to validate whether error-prone hardware is executing their quantum program faithfully,” says Joel Wallman, Chief Technology Officer of Quantum Benchmark. “This is crucially important in the near-term as quantum computers enter the quantum supremacy regime and provide solutions that can no longer be checked with classical computers.”

For Quantum Benchmark’s video tutorial on why and how to apply the True-Q™ tools through Cirq, please click here: https://youtu.be/JWHWs7R-IRs

For Google’s announcement regarding Cirq and the integration of True-Q™, please click here: https://ai.googleblog.com/

About True-Q™

For makers and users of quantum hardware, the True-Q™ suite is an essential component of the quantum computing software stack.  True-Q™ provides tools to help improve and quantify the widely variable performance capabilities of quantum hardware, increasing the reach of quantum computing to solve real-world problems. True-Q™ optimizes and validates, during run-time, the performance of any program or application run on any quantum computing hardware platform. The direct benefits of True-Q™ to end-users of quantum computers include:

About Quantum Benchmark

We are a venture-backed, software start-up located in Kitchener-Waterloo, Canada, that is focused on delivering quantum computing solutions. The Company, spun off from the Institute for Quantum Computing, was founded in 2017 and is built on decades of groundbreaking research. Our team includes world-leading researchers in quantum error-characterization and error-correction who help makers and users of quantum computers achieve optimal and reliable performance on the quantum computers of today and tomorrow.

For more information about Quantum Benchmark, our technology and products, please click here: www.quantumbenchmark.com

Media contact:

Joseph Emerson, PhD

CEO, Quantum Benchmark


(519) 574 3189

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