Updated: 2018-11-21
Our website privacy policy outlines current, Canadian best-practice for how Quantum Benchmark collects personal information from individual website users, why this information is collected, and how this information is stored.
Quantum Benchmark collects, uses, and disposes of user-provided information in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act(FIPPA) of Ontario, Canada.
Further, Quantum Benchmark is committed to protecting and respecting the personal information of our clients, employees, business partners, and all other entities we interact with and is guided by the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) of Canada.
Consent occurs and is obtained when an individual submits information via our website that contains personal information, thereby authorizing Quantum Benchmark to collect, use, and disclose of the individual’s personal information for the purposes stated on the form or in the Use, Disclosure, and Retention of Personal Information section of this policy.
Quantum Benchmark collects and uses personal information solely for the purpose of conducting business and developing an understanding of its clients, employees, business partners, and job applicants.
Quantum Benchmark Inc. collects, uses, and disposes of user-provided information to its website. This information is provided to Quantum Benchmark by the user through the submission of:
All user-provided information is collected and maintained by Quantum Benchmark for internal, business-related purposes, such as:
Quantum Benchmark does not disclose, or sell, user-provided information to third-party organizations.
Quantum Benchmark will retain personal and business information only for the duration it is needed for conducting business. Once personal information is no longer required, it will be destroyed in a safe and secure manner. However, certain laws may require that particular personal information be kept for a specified amount of time. Where this is the case, the law will supersede this policy.
Quantum Benchmark may use personal information without the individual’s consent under exceptional circumstances. These circumstances include, but are not limited to the following:
Quantum Benchmark assumes full accountability for the personal and business information within its possession and control.
Quantum Benchmark vows to protect personal and business information submitted through its website with appropriate security measures, physical safeguards, and electronic precautions. Quantum Benchmark maintains personal information through a combination of paper and electronic files. Where required by law or disaster recovery procedures, records may be stored in a secure, offsite location.
Access to personal and business information will be authorized only for the employees of Quantum Benchmark who require the information to conduct business for Quantum Benchmark, and to those otherwise authorized by law.
Any questions or concerns regarding this Website Privacy Policy can be addressed by contacting Quantum Benchmark at: info@quantumbenchmark.com. Quantum Benchmark will investigate and respond to concerns about any aspect of the handling of personal information and will investigate such concerns to the best of its ability.