
This section walks you through creating experiments from scratch and executing a basic calibration workflow for a two-level quantum system using QCS’s built-in experiment routines. These routines are built around the Experiment and CalibrationExperiment classes, which are designed to help users execute programs on Keysight hardware and streamline the analysis of results. Users can either take advantage of the pre-designed experiments available in QCS or create their own custom experiments using these classes by following the steps in this guide.


The purpose of the Experiment class is to facilitate the development of common user experiments and calibration routines. The latter in particular can be achieved through a subclass called CalibrationExperiment. Now, let’s examine how to use each of these classes and identify the most suitable scenarios for each.


For a comprehensive demonstration, including a downloadable Jupyter notebook showing visualizations and analysis methods on experimental data refer to one of the guides on built-in experiments in this section (see Available built-in experiments).


This guide outlines the steps for defining, executing, and plotting data from a QCS experiment on hardware.

Instantiating a new Experiment

Setting up

We start by initializing a qubit. Experiments require the use of a ChannelMapper to indicate how qudits are addressed via hardware channels. For a basic setup, see Channel mappers, here we define an empty one for demonstration. We then use a make_calibration_set() function that generates a CalibrationSet for a given number of qubits.

import keysight.qcs as qcs
import numpy as np
from keysight.qcs.experiments import Experiment, make_calibration_set

n_qubits = 1
qubits = qcs.Qudits(range(n_qubits))
mapper = qcs.ChannelMapper("<ip_address>")
calibration_set = make_calibration_set(n_qubits)

Defining a program

Let’s create a simple program with operations to run while executing the experiment. Here the program is a pulse on the xy_channels followed by a measurement.

program = qcs.Program()
amplitude = qcs.Scalar("amplitude", dtype=float)
waveform = qcs.RFWaveform(duration = 20e-9, envelope = qcs.GaussianEnvelope(), amplitude = np.pi*amplitude, rf_frequency = 5.1e9)
n_channels = 1
channels = qcs.Channels(range(n_channels), "xy_channels", absolute_phase=False)
program.add_waveform(waveform, channels)

To ensure that the program behaves as intended, the draw() method can be used. This method generates an HTML representation of the program.


Adding Fitter and Preprocessor

For subsequent analysis of experimental data, the Experiment class allows you to specify a fitter and a preprocessor as parameters. Fitting involves selecting an appropriate model to extract key parameters from the data, while preprocessing is used to clean and organize the raw data prior to fitting, ensuring more accurate and robust results. Users can choose from one of the built-in fitters:

or create a custom one using BaseFitter.

In the same way, the user can choose from one of the built-in Preprocessor:

or create a custom one.

Here we choose two of the built-in ones for demonstration purposes:

from keysight.qcs.analysis import DecayingSinusoid, IQuadrature

fitter = DecayingSinusoid()
pre_processor = IQuadrature()

Declaring the Experiment

We create an instance of the Experiment class using the program and the analysis methods we just defined. Note that an experiment can be executed on a subset of qubits of the calibration set, specified by the targets property.

experiment = Experiment(
                backend = mapper,
                calibration_set = calibration_set,
                targets = qubits,
                program = program,
                fitter = fitter,
                pre_processor = pre_processor

The last step of creating an experiment is to configure the repetitions which is done using configure_repetitions(). This method accepts the number of shots, a boolean to determine whether the sweep should be performed in hardware or software time, and the values over which to sweep.

                amplitude=np.linspace(0, 1.0/np.pi, 100)

Executing and retrieving results

To execute this experiment, we can simply run execute() :


To obtain a Dataframe of the experimental data associated to this executed experiment, we can use the get_trace(), get_classified() or the get_iq() method like a standard QCS program:

datafame = experiment.get_iq()


There are several ways of visualizing the data. Like QCS programs, experiments also have the plot_trace(), the plot_spectrum() and the plot_iq() methods.


Additionally, the experiment also has the plot() method that plots both the experiment data and the fit (if applicable). This methods defaults to plotting the I/Q data if no preprocessor or fitter have been defined, and to trace if no IQ data exists:


Calibration Experiment

A CalibrationExperiment is a subclass of Experiment and is used to facilitate the calibration of variables on the calibration set.

Here we outline the entire process of defining a calibration experiment, from the initial setup to plotting the data obtained from the experiment.

Instantiating a new Calibration Experiment

Setting up

First, we initialize a qubit and a ChannelMapper. Then, we create a CalibrationSet using the make_calibration_set() function, as demonstrated in the Experiment section.

import keysight.qcs as qcs
import numpy as np
from keysight.qcs.experiments import CalibrationExperiment, make_calibration_set
from keysight.qcs.quantum import PAULIS

n_qubits = 1
qubits = qcs.Qudits(range(n_qubits))
mapper = qcs.ChannelMapper("<ip_address>")
calibration_set = make_calibration_set(n_qubits)

Defining a program

Let’s create a simple program with operations to run while executing the experiment. Here the program is a pulse on the xy_channels followed by a measurement.

program = qcs.Program()
amplitude = qcs.Array("x180_pulse_amplitudes", shape=(len(qubits),), dtype=float)
program.add_parametric_gate(PAULIS.rx, [np.pi * amplitude], qubits)

To ensure that the program behaves as intended, the draw() method can be used. This method generates an HTML representation of the program.


Choosing the operation to calibrate

The CalibrationExperiment includes an additional parameter called operation, which specifies the operation to be calibrated in the experiment. The name of this operation need to match the name of the linker defined in the calibration set. In this example, we are calibrating the operation “x”, which corresponds to the X gate linker. This can be defined in the calibration set as follows:

x_pulse = RFWaveform(
calibration_set.add_sq_gate("x", GATES.x, x_pulse, qubits, xy_pulse_channels)


For more information on linkers, refer to Introduction to linkers

Declaring the Calibration Experiment

We create an instance of the CalibrationExperiment class using the program we just defined (and the same fitter and preprocessor we used for Experiment).

calibration_experiment = CalibrationExperiment(
                            backend = mapper,
                            calibration_set = calibration_set,
                            operation = "x",
                            qudits = qubits,
                            program = program,
                            fitter = fitter,
                            pre_processor = pre_processor


The targets should be a subset of the linker’s targets.

The last step of creating an experiment is to configure the repetitions which is done using configure_repetitions(). This method accepts the number of shots, a boolean to determine whether the sweep should be performed in hardware or software time, and the values over which to sweep. In addition to sweeping variables on the experiment program, configure_repetitions can be used to sweep variables contained on the corresponding linker’s program.


To sweep the correct variable, specify its name in the arguments of configure_repetitions using the format **{<variable_name>: <variable_values>}.

variable_name = "x180_pulse_amplitudes"
variable_scan = np.linspace(0, 1.0/np.pi, 100)
                            **{variable_name: variable_scan}

Executing, retrieving results and visualization

The methods presented for the Experiment can be used the same exact way for a CalibrationExperiment.

Handling calibration values

CalibrationExperiment includes two additional methods that simplify the process of updating calibration parameters: These are get_updated_calibration_values() and set_updated_calibration_values().


When designing a custom CalibrationExperiment, you need to define get_updated_calibration_values() since there is no general method and it varies between experiments. You can find examples of its implementation in Available built-in experiments

The typical workflow for using these methods is then:


This will return a dictionary where the calibrated variable_name is the key, and the corresponding values for the target qubits are the values, such as {'variable_name': 0.4967}. The user can check the current state of the variable in the calibration set prior to its update as follows:


This will return an array containing the previous value(s) of that variable (for example array([0.5])). We can then proceed to update it as follows:


This will now output array([0.4967]), thus confirming that the variable has been updated.


The updated calibration set can be saved using export_values() method as shown in Managing calibration data and linkers

Available built-in experiments


The following examples utilize the assets calibration set and channel mapper which can be generated with the scripts calibration.py and channel_mapper.py.

Resonator Spectroscopy

Resonator Spectroscopy experiments allow users to calibrate the parameters of the readout pulse for the measurement operation.

Resonator Spectroscopy

Qubit Spectroscopy

Qubit Spectroscopy experiments allow users to calibrate the driving frequency of qubit control pulses.

Qubit spectroscopy


Rabi experiments allow users to calibrate the amplitude of \(\pi\)-pulses.

Rabi experiment

Error Amplification

Error Amplification experiments allow users to fine-tune the amplitude of \(\pi\)-pulse determined during the Rabi experiment to achieve better accuracy.

Error Amplification


Coherence experiments allow users to learn a characteristic noise time scale for a qubit.

Coherence characterization

Dispersive Shift

Dispersive Shift experiments allow users to learn how the qubit’s state influences the resonance frequency of the readout resonator.

Dispersive Shift

IQ Distribution

IQ Distribution experiments allow users to measure the I/Q distribution of both the ground state and excited state.

IQ Distribution experiment

Dynamical Decoupling

Dynamical Decoupling experiments allow users to improve decoherence times by sending a series of pulses with certain intervals are applied to the qubits, effectively decouple them from their environment.

Dynamical decoupling
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