

An array of variables.


A slice of an Array.


A class for lazy evaluation of the maximum of variable quantities.


A class for scalar quantities whose values are unknown or can be changed.


A single element of an Array.


alias of Union[int, slice, List[int]]


An abstract base class for quantities whose values can be changed.


A set of Variables, where individual variables can be marked as inputs and/or outputs.


An enum specifying the supported variable units.

The following data types can be used to define slices:


alias of Union[int, slice, List[int]]


class keysight.qcs.variables.Array(name: str, *, value: None | ArrayLike = None, shape: None | int | Iterable[int] = None, dtype: type | None = None, unit: str | UnitsEnum | None = None, read_only: bool = False)

An array of variables.

import keysight.qcs as qcs

# initialize an array by specifying its shape
array1 = qcs.Array("my_array1", shape=(2, 2))

# initialize an array by providing a value
array2 = qcs.Array("my_array1", value=[[0, 0], [0, 0]])
  • name – The name of this array.

  • value – The value of this array.

  • shape – The shape of this array. If None, it is deduced from the shape of value.

  • dtype – The data type of the variables in this array. If None, defaults to the coerced type, see DTYPE_COERCIONS.

  • unit – The unit of the array, which must be one of UnitsEnum. Defaults to None.

  • read_only – Wether this array is read-only or not.

  • ValueError – If both shape and value are specified.

  • ValueError – If neither shape or value are specified.

  • ValueError – If an empty shape is specified.

  • ValueError – If the unit is not one of UnitsEnum.

property ndim: int

The number of dimensions of this array.

import keysight.qcs as qcs

array = qcs.Array("my_array", shape=(2, 3))
assert array.ndim == 2
property size: int | None

The total number of elements in this array.

import keysight.qcs as qcs

array = qcs.Array("my_array", shape=(2, 3))
assert array.size == 6
property shape: tuple[int, ...]

The shape of this array.

import keysight.qcs as qcs

array = qcs.Array("my_array", shape=(1, 9))
assert array.shape == (1, 9)
property value: None | np.ndarray

The value of this array.

import keysight.qcs as qcs

array = qcs.Array("my_array", value=[[0, 0], [0, 0]])
assert (array.value == [[0, 0], [0, 0]]).all()
set_zero() None

Set all elements of the array to zero.

import keysight.qcs as qcs

array = qcs.Array("my_array", value=[[1, 2], [3, 4]])

assert (array.value == [[0, 0], [0, 0]]).all()


class keysight.qcs.variables.ArraySlice(name: str, *, value: None | ArrayLike = None, shape: None | int | Iterable[int] = None, dtype: type | None = None, unit: str | UnitsEnum | None = None, read_only: bool = False)

A slice of an Array.


Instances of this class are automatically created when getting slices of an Array and should not need to be directly created.

import keysight.qcs as qcs

# initialize array to slice
array = qcs.Array("my_array", value=[[1, 2], [3, 4]])

# slice the first row
assert (array[0].value == [1, 2]).all()

# slice to get individual entries
assert array[0, 0].value == 1
assert array[1, 0].value == 3

When an ArraySlice has another ArraySlice as a parent, the original ancestor is inherited as parent. The slicer specifies how to slice the original ancestor to get this instance of an ArraySlice.

  • parent – The array to slice from.

  • slices – The slices to take from the parent array.

property idx: tuple[int, ...]

The indices of this in its parent.

property parent: Variable

The parent that this is an element of.


class keysight.qcs.variables.Max(*args: float | Iterable[float] | Variable[float])

A class for lazy evaluation of the maximum of variable quantities.


*args – The variables to take the maximum of.


ValueError – If the dtype is complex.

property variables: list[Variable[float]]

The variables whose values are to be compared.

simplify() Scalar[float]

Simplify this maximum by evaluating the maxima of any constants.


class keysight.qcs.variables.Scalar(name: str, value: SUPPORTED_DTYPES | None = None, dtype: type | None = None, unit: str | UnitsEnum | None = None, read_only: bool = False)

A class for scalar quantities whose values are unknown or can be changed.

import keysight.qcs as qcs

# initialize a scalar with no set value
scalar = qcs.Scalar("my_scalar", dtype=float)

# initialize a scalar with set value
scalar = qcs.Scalar("my_scalar", value=0.1, dtype=float)
  • name – The name of scalar.

  • value – The value of scalar, or None for a scalar with no set value.

  • dtype – The dtype of scalar, which must be one of DTYPE_COERCIONS. Defaults to complex as it is the broadest supported type.

  • unit – The unit of the scalar, which must be one of UnitsEnum. Defaults to None.

  • read_only – Whether the scalar is read-only.

property value: None | SUPPORTED_DTYPES

The value of this variable.


class keysight.qcs.variables.ScalarRef(name: str, value: SUPPORTED_DTYPES | None = None, dtype: type | None = None, unit: str | UnitsEnum | None = None, read_only: bool = False)

A single element of an Array.


Instances of this class are automatically created when getting slices of an Array and should not need to be directly created.

import keysight.qcs as qcs

# initialize an array
array = qcs.Array("my_array", value=[[0, 1], [2, 3]])

# slice the array to obtain the element with indices (0, 0)
scalar_ref = array[0, 0]

assert scalar_ref.value == 0
assert ==
assert scalar_ref.dtype == array.dtype
  • parent – The array to obtain the element from.

  • idx – The index of the element in the parent array.

property idx: tuple[int, ...]

The indices of this in its parent.

property parent: Variable

The parent that this is an element of.


class keysight.qcs.variables.Variable

An abstract base class for quantities whose values can be changed.

property constant: bool

Whether the variable is constant.

property dtype: type

The type of this variable.

property name: str

The name of this variable.

property parents: Generator[Variable]

Yield the root variables that determine the value of this.

property read_only: bool

Whether the variable is read-only.

property unit: UnitsEnum

The unit of the variable.

abstract property value

The value of this variable.

keysight.qcs.variables.get_value(val: any | Variable) any

Returns a value either by pass-through or getting the value of a variable.


val – is the object to either pass through or to return the value attribute of.

class keysight.qcs.variables.UnitsEnum

An enum specifying the supported variable units.

The names (values) are: none (0) s (1) Hz (2) rad (3)

from_string() str

Construct a <class ‘Keysight.Qcs.SharedTypes.Variables.UnitsEnum’> from a string.


class keysight.qcs.variables.VariableSet

A set of Variables, where individual variables can be marked as inputs and/or outputs.

property variables: Generator[Variable]

Yields the variables from this.

declare(val: Variable) Variable

Adds a variable to this.


val – The variable to add.

remove(name: str) None

Removes a variable from this.


name – The variable name to remove.

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