
The analysis subpackage contains objects to process and manipulate experimental data.


A class for fitting real-valued data.


A class for fitting complex-valued data.


A fitter for a complex Lorentzian.


A fitter for a decaying sinusoid.


Class that stores fit information returned from data analysis.


An iterable container of estimates with several convenience functions which make it easier to select specific estimates.


A namedtuple container for storing a single estimate name, value, and standard deviation.


A fitter for an exponential curve.


Extracts the I quadrature from complex IQ data.


Removes linear trends from experimental data.


A class that processes experimental data before fitting.


class keysight.qcs.analysis.Estimate(names: list[str], values: ndarray, cov: ndarray)

Bases: Serializable

Class that stores fit information returned from data analysis.

  • names – The names of the parameters estimated by the fit.

  • values – The values of the estimates.

  • cov – The covariance matrix of the estimates.

property cov: ndarray

The covariance matrix of this estimate.

property names: list[str]

A list of strings which describe the parameters returned from fitting.

property std: ndarray

A vector of standard deviations for every element of this estimate.

property values: ndarray

A vector containing the estimnated values associated with the provided names.

draw(filename: str = 'qcs_estimate.html', display: bool = True) None

Creates a HTML representation of this Estimate and saves it to a file.

  • filename – The filename to write the HTML to (if executing in a script)

  • display – Whether to display the HTML. When set to False, this will only save the file to the specified filename.

class keysight.qcs.analysis.EstimateCollection(estimates: Optional[Union[Estimate, Iterable[Estimate]]] = None)

Bases: Serializable

An iterable container of estimates with several convenience functions which make it easier to select specific estimates.


estimates – Either a single estimate or an iterable of estimates to include in the collection.

property estimates: list[keysight.qcs.analysis.estimate.Estimate]

The estimates in this collection.

append(estimate: Union[Estimate, Iterable[Estimate]])

Appends a single estimate or an iterable of estimates to the collection.


estimate – A single estimate or an iterable of estimates.

vector(name: str) ndarray

Constructs a vector of estimates for a given parameter.


name – The name of the parameter to extract.

draw(filename: str = 'qcs_estimate_collection.html', display: bool = True) None

Creates a HTML representation of this estimate collection and saves it to a file.

  • filename – The filename to write the HTML to (if executing in a script)

  • display – Whether to display the HTML. When set to False, this will only save the file to the specified filename.

class keysight.qcs.analysis.EstimateTuple(name, val, std)

Bases: tuple

A namedtuple container for storing a single estimate name, value, and standard deviation.

  • name – The name of the estimate.

  • val – The value of the estimate.

  • std – The standard deviation of the estimate.


class keysight.qcs.analysis.BaseFitter

Bases: Serializable

A class for fitting real-valued data.

abstract property model: Callable

The model.

abstract property names: tuple[str, ...]

The names of the parameters of the model.

fit(x_values: ndarray, y_values: ndarray, guess: Optional[tuple[float, ...]] = None, preprocessors: Optional[Iterable[Preprocessor]] = None) Estimate

Fits data to a model and returns the parameters.

  • x_values – The independent variable values.

  • y_values – The data to fit.

  • guess – The initial guess for the parameters. If None, uses the make_guess method.

  • preprocessors – An iterable of Preprocessors that are applied to the data before fitting.

abstract make_guess(x_values: ndarray, y_values: ndarray) tuple[float, ...]

Generates a guess for the parameters.

  • x_values – The independent variable values.

  • y_values – The data to fit.

class keysight.qcs.analysis.ComplexFitter

Bases: BaseFitter

A class for fitting complex-valued data.

fit(x_values: ndarray, y_values: ndarray, guess=None, preprocessors=None) Estimate

Fits an array and returns the fitted parameters.

  • x_values – The independent variable values.

  • y_values – The data to fit.

  • guess – The initial guess for the parameters. If None, uses the make_guess method.

  • preprocessors – An iterable of Preprocessors that are applied to the data before fitting.

class keysight.qcs.analysis.ComplexLorentzian

Bases: ComplexFitter

A fitter for a complex Lorentzian.

property model

The model.

property names

The names of the parameters of the model.

make_guess(x_values: ndarray, y_values: ndarray)

Generates a guess for the parameters.

  • x_values – The independent variable values.

  • y_values – The data to fit.

class keysight.qcs.analysis.DecayingSinusoid

Bases: BaseFitter

A fitter for a decaying sinusoid.

property model

The model.

property names

The names of the parameters of the model.

make_guess(x_values, y_values) tuple

Generates a guess for the parameters.

  • x_values – The independent variable values.

  • y_values – The data to fit.

class keysight.qcs.analysis.Exponential

Bases: BaseFitter

A fitter for an exponential curve.

property model

The model.

property names

The names of the parameters of the model.

make_guess(x_values, y_values)

Generates a guess for the parameters.

  • x_values – The independent variable values.

  • y_values – The data to fit.


class keysight.qcs.analysis.Preprocessor

Bases: Serializable

A class that processes experimental data before fitting.

abstract process(x_values: ndarray, y_values: ndarray) tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]

Process the data.

class keysight.qcs.analysis.LinearDetrend

Bases: Preprocessor

Removes linear trends from experimental data.

process(x_values, y_values)

Process the data.

class keysight.qcs.analysis.IQuadrature

Bases: Preprocessor

Extracts the I quadrature from complex IQ data.

process(x_values, y_values)

Process the data.

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