Program representations

These guides gives an overview of how programs are structured in the Keysight’s Quantum Control System framework.


The figure above depicts the flow of information from a user to a quantum processing unit. Users specify the program that they want to run via Keysight’s Quantum Control System and then use a use a Linker to translate it into a form that the control hardware can use. The control hardware then acts on the quantum processing unit according to the (translated) instructions from the user and sends information back up the stack. Keysight’s Quantum Control System then translates this information back to a form that is user-friendly.


Targets are the objects that operations in a program act on. Targets can be specified as qudits via the Qudits class or as virtual channels via the Channels class. Mappings between qudits and hardware channels for a given device configuration can be saved and applied using Linker objects. See Introduction to linkers for more information.

Targets are constructed using a set of unique labels and a name.

import keysight.qcs as qcs

# create a Channels object with three labels
channels = qcs.Channels(range(3), "my_channels")

# this object has length 3
assert len(channels) == 3

assert channels.labels == (0, 1, 2)

# channels can be sliced
assert channels[1:].labels == (1, 2)

Qudits can be constructed in the same fashion, but can take an optional dim parameter to specify the qudit dimension.

# create a register of three qubits (dim=2)
qubits = qcs.Qudits(range(3), "my qubits", dim=2)

assert len(qubits) == 3

# dimension is 2
assert qubits.dim == 2

Pulse shapes and acquisitions


While information always enters the workflow in the same way, some users prefer to design programs with the hardware implementation in mind, i.e. programming at the abstraction layer closest to the hardware. These users can specify programs in terms of HardwareOperations such as RFWaveforms on AWG channels and Acquisitions on digitizer channels. See Waveform representations for details on the available built-in functionality for specifying pulses.

Gates, parametric gates and measurements


Other users might have a more abstract conceptualization of the program they want to run. For these users, operations can also be specified in terms of Gates, and Measure instructions that act on Qudits, as in a circuit diagram. Arbitrary gates can be compiled into the native gateset of the system, typically using ParametricGates to allow for arbitrary rotations.

Abstraction layers and types of programs

A Program allows for mixed-layer programming. That is, instructions can be written using any combination of the above operations and targets. A circuit-level or mixed-level program can be compiled into a pulse-level Program using BaseLinkers.


The following two tutorials step through how to construct programs at different layers of abstraction and how variables can be used to customize how programs are run.

Program Basics

This guide demonstrates how Programs are constructed and how the timing between operations can be customized. It also shows an example of a time-agnostic quantum circuit program.

Program basics


This guide shows how to use Variables to customize parameters such as durations or frequencies in programs. The concept of Variables is used when sweeping parameters in programs.

Variables in programs

Controlling execution flow

This guide demonstrates how ConditionalOperations can be used for real-time decision logic inside a program for applications such as qubit reset.

Real-time decision logic
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