
The following tutorials provide an in-depth introduction into the Keysight’s Quantum Control System programming framework.

Key Components

The Keysight’s Quantum Control System library consists of the following key components:

  1. Programs: A program is represented by the Program class that allows users to define a set of instructions to be executed in order. The instructions can be defined at the gate, Hamiltonian, or pulse level with relative timing or the pulse/hardware level with absolute timing.

  2. Targets: Individual channels of the M5000 modules are represented by the Channels class, and can be mapped to the channels in the AWG and digitizer modules using the ChannelMapper class. Qudits can be defined using the Qudits class. Mapping between qudits and channels is accomplished using BaseLinker objects. See Introduction to linkers for more information.

  3. Operations: The fundamental instructions on AWG channels are HardwareOperations, such as RFWaveforms, DCWaveforms and Delays. Quantum instructions, such as Gates and Hamiltonians, are specified on Quditss.

  4. Executor: The Executor compiles programs and can run them on the Keysight’s Quantum Control System hardware. It is instantiated with a list of Pass objects for the compilation. The execute method iterates through those passes and applies them sequentially. Running a program on hardware is accomplished by a pass as well, namely the HclBackend pass.

  5. Results/Analysis: Raw trace and IQ data acquired through the digitizer channels are stored in a database managed by QCS and can be accessed through the program.

The following short example demonstrates how these components work together:

import keysight.qcs as qcs

# set the following variable to True when connected to hardware
run_on_hw = False

# define abstract channels for the AWG and digitizer
awg = qcs.Channels(1, "awg")
dig = qcs.Channels(1, "dig")

# instantiate a program with a waveform and an acquisition
program = qcs.Program()

gauss = qcs.RFWaveform(50e-9, qcs.GaussianEnvelope(), 0.2, 5e9)
program.add_waveform(gauss, awg)
program.add_acquisition(500e-9, dig)

# the channel mapper maps our channels to physical channels
mapper = qcs.ChannelMapper()
awg_address = qcs.Address(chassis=1, slot=1, channel=1)
dig_address = qcs.Address(1, 2, 1)
mapper.add_channel_mapping(awg, awg_address, qcs.InstrumentEnum.M5300AWG)
mapper.add_channel_mapping(dig, dig_address, qcs.InstrumentEnum.M5200Digitizer)

# specify a local oscillator frequency for the AWG
mapper.set_lo_frequencies(awg_address, 4.9e9)

# Execute the program
if run_on_hw:
    program_executed = qcs.Executor(qcs.HclBackend(mapper)).execute(program)

    # optional: save program and data to a file


The guides below give a detailed introduction to the Keysight’s Quantum Control System Program structure and the associated timing model, how to execute programs on hardware, the available HardwareOperations, and how to traverse between different layers of abstraction using Linkerss.

Program representations

These tutorials demonstrate the Program structure and explain the associated timing model. They include examples that use both Qudits and Channels as targets, thereby working at different layers of abstraction.

Program representations

Working with QCS hardware

These tutorials provide an in-depth introduction of the typical workflow in the Keysight’s Quantum Control System library including relevant elements such as the ChannelMapper and the CalibrationSet and how to connect to the Keysight hardware.

Working with QCS hardware

Waveform representations

These tutorials provide an overview of the built-in pulse envelopes and user-defined arbitrary envelopes and demonstrates how they can be implemented to manipulate the RF output.

Waveform representations

Program compilation

These tutorials outline how users can manage different abstraction layers in their programs through Linkers.

Program compilation
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